My 3 Go To Fall Meal Prep Recipes for Fat Loss

Fall meal prep recipes are literally my favorite for a few different reasons. One, they can be done in a short period of time. Two, they are nice and warm so you feel satisfied. Lastly, they aren’t a salad. The only problem that I have will fall meal prep recipes is that usually they are … Read more

How to Create the Perfect Healthy Meal in 4 Easy Steps

Creating a healthy meal can seem very overwhelming. Typically, when you look up a healthy meal recipe there are 747 ingredients and it will take you 3 hours to cook. That is NOT the way I roll. This post will break down how to create perfect healthy meal every time in 4 easy steps. So, … Read more

9 Lies about Losing Body Fat

Losing body fat can be one of the most overwhelming endeavors you ever try. Mainly because there are so many lies out there about losing body fat. Losing body fat will become more simple with these 9 lies busted! Lie #1 Losing body fat is complicated. This is the BIGGEST lie I hear and the … Read more

The Ultimate Spa Day at Home Guide

The ultimate spa day at home is really where it’s at. No strangers touching your feet. No other people intruding on your luxury. No public bathrooms. Just you, a couple books, a bath, some food, and nothing but relaxation. Every woman should get to experience that at least once a month. Now, instead of spending … Read more

Belly Fat Buster: Your 4 Week Plan

You are frantically Googling the perfect belly fat buster plan to get rid of the pooch that formed this summer from a few too many drinks and not quite enough workouts. In fact, that could be how you happened across this page. Let me tell you the difference between this belly fat buster program and … Read more

IIFYM vs. Clean Eating: Which is Really Better?

The debate between IIFYM and clean eating has been RAMPANT over the last few years.  The IIFYM argument is that you can eat whatever you want and still get results, as long as it fits your macros. The clean eating argument is that your body craves whole, natural foods and as long as you stick to those … Read more

5 Green Smoothie Recipes to Increase Energy

green smoothie recipes

Are you that girl that really wants to like green smoothies but just gag a the thought? If so, I know exactly where you are at! I hate smoothies that are chunky and taste like dirt. So I created my own green smoothie recipes that actually taste GOOD and give you that shot of micro-nutrients … Read more

Giving 100%… What That Really Means

giving 100%

What does giving 100% really mean? Does it mean killing yourself for every workout? Does it mean being perfect with your diet? This post shares my story with giving 100%, and how learning what giving 100% really means FINALLY allowed me to reach my goals! I USED TO KILL MYSELF IN THE GYM. I mean … Read more

How to Change Your Life With One Simple Step

How to change your life. Whew, that is a pretty big topic that we are about to tackle! However, there is one simple step that you can start taking TODAY to start changing your life. No, it doesn’t cost money. No, it really doesn’t have anything to do with getting ripped abs. What this one … Read more

5 Healthier 4th of July Desserts

Do you always hold yourself back from indulging in 4th of July desserts? Or maybe you go crazy and eat 10,000 extra calories on the 4th because you are going to start your diet on the 5th. Either way, there is no need to go to either extreme with these 5 healthier 4th of July … Read more