Belly Fat Buster: Your 4 Week Plan

You are frantically Googling the perfect belly fat buster plan to get rid of the pooch that formed this summer from a few too many drinks and not quite enough workouts. In fact, that could be how you happened across this page. Let me tell you the difference between this belly fat buster program and the 1,000,000 others out there. This one won’t give you a 30 day plan that requires you to do 500 crunches everyday. This program is guaranteed to give you results if you put in the work and pair it with proper nutrition. Need help figuring out your nutrition? Click here for my shredding plan! Now, are you ready to get started on this belly fat buster plan or what?

The Belly Fat Buster Calendar

Don’t worry if you can’t follow this to a T. If you need to move Tuesday’s workout to Wednesday or another day that is totally fine. Just try to hit the gym 4x per week!!

belly fat

The Workouts

You wanted some belly fat busting workouts, so here you go!! These workouts will not only get your abs ripped, but your whole body. You can’t sport reduce fat, which means that in order to blast belly fat you have to put in the work on the whole body. This is the key that those 30 day ab challenges are missing.

P.S. Click on the titles of the workouts to get a downloadable PDF fo free!

Mini Midriff Maker

This one is really going to hit the whole body with abs, back, cardio, legs, and shoulders!! Don’t be afraid of a little sweat. Take breaks as needed and make sure you are fueling your body properly!

Waistline Watcher

Arms, abs, legs, chest, back, oh my! This one is going to hit you from tip to toe and leave you gasping for air. Don’t hold back. The best results come from pushing through the tough stuff!

Middle Management

This one is going to hit the big muscle groups of legs, back, chest, and, of course, abs! If a movement is new to you or you just don’t feel 100% comfortable with it, use lighter weight or even just your body weight. The more you do the movements the stronger and more comfortable you will be!

Waist Snatcher

The waist snatcher workout is going to hit abs, back, cardio and legs. These are the big ones for forming a snatched waist because building your back and legs will help your waist look smaller, then shredding the abs with movement and cardio takes care of the rest!

Want more workouts like these? I am launching my 6 week Lean It Out 2.0 challenge on September 10th to really help get you that tight and toned look you have been working for! Click here to learn more!

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