My 3 Go To Fall Meal Prep Recipes for Fat Loss

Fall meal prep recipes are literally my favorite for a few different reasons. One, they can be done in a short period of time. Two, they are nice and warm so you feel satisfied. Lastly, they aren’t a salad. The only problem that I have will fall meal prep recipes is that usually they are … Read more

Belly Fat Buster: Your 4 Week Plan

You are frantically Googling the perfect belly fat buster plan to get rid of the pooch that formed this summer from a few too many drinks and not quite enough workouts. In fact, that could be how you happened across this page. Let me tell you the difference between this belly fat buster program and … Read more

IIFYM vs. Clean Eating: Which is Really Better?

The debate between IIFYM and clean eating has been RAMPANT over the last few years.  The IIFYM argument is that you can eat whatever you want and still get results, as long as it fits your macros. The clean eating argument is that your body craves whole, natural foods and as long as you stick to those … Read more

4 Week Guide to Bikini Bottom Glutes

Aww girl it’s summertime, which means bikini season! Those bikini bottom glutes are not going to build themselves, so let’s get started! This glute guide won’t be easy, but it will get you results. Remember that to build muscle you must be eating a caloric surplus, so go ahead and throw out that 1200 calorie … Read more

Low Impact Glute Exercises to Build the Booty

glute exercises

It seems like every booty building workout out there has movements that make you jump up down and all around. Once and a while, a little jumping isn’t a bad idea. However, sometimes the knees need a break. These low impact glute exercises will help you build a booty without wrecking your knees! Froggy Thrust … Read more

Boot Camp Workout: Your 4 Week Program

Are you ready for a boot camp workout program that will leave you dripping in sweat? If you are, this workout program is for you! Crazy fun workouts, tons of variety, and the effectiveness that can’t be matched is on the agenda for this program. Don’t let July slip by without giving your fitness 110%! … Read more

10 Fitness Exercises To Boost Overall Fitness

fitness exercises

So you have been working out pretty regularly now, but its time to kick it up a notch. Overall fitness can be hard to achieve, but by implementing the right fitness exercises you will be training like an athlete. If some of these fitness exercises look a little intimidating to you, hook yourself up with … Read more

The Snack Bar: A Review of My Taste Testing

snack bar

This post may contain affiliate links. If you click on the link, then I may earn a commission from that. However, I would never promote any products that I do not personally use and believe in.  The snack bar can sometimes be the only thing standing between you and eating your arm. So its a … Read more

Intuitive Eating vs. If It Fits Your Macros

IIFYM, or if it fits your macros, has had a huge wave of support in the last couple of years. Being able to eat pretty much whatever you want as long as it fits your numbers? Good deal, right? However, the term intuitive eating started making its name known in the last year or so. … Read more

Gym Workout Plan: April’s Workout Calendar

March has come and has just about gone. If you followed March’s workout calendar, you are probably ready to mix things up! April’s workout calendar will be a gym workout plan. I personally love going to the gym because it forced me to up my intensity. Depending on the gym you go to, just the … Read more