9 Lies about Losing Body Fat

Losing body fat can be one of the most overwhelming endeavors you ever try. Mainly because there are so many lies out there about losing body fat. Losing body fat will become more simple with these 9 lies busted!

Lie #1

Losing body fat is complicated. This is the BIGGEST lie I hear and the one I hear most often. Losing body fat is IS NOT COMPLICATED. It can be hard, frustrating, and disappointing, but it isn’t complicated. To lose body fat, you need to create a reasonable caloric deficit. That’s it.

Lie #2

I need to do traditional cardio to lose body fat. This is absolutely UNTRUE. You don’t need to cardio at all to lose body fat, but I highly recommend some form of cardiovascular activity just for the sake of your health if nothing else. This cardio, however, does not need to come in the form of a bike, stairmaster, elliptical, treadmill, etc. Any activity that elevates your heart rate into the cardiovascular zone is enough. I personally love circuit training, HIIT, and jump rope.

Lie #3

losing body fat

You need to cut carbs to lose body fat. This again couldn’t be further from the truth. When losing body fat, the key is going to be to create a caloric deficit. This can come from cutting ANY of the big three macros: carbs, fats, and protein. Protein should be kept at 1g per pound of bodyweight on average. If you are more than 20 lbs overweight, .8g per pound of bodyweight will suffice.

You can then cut the remaining cals that need to be cut from either carbs or fats. I usually do a little bit of both so I am not cutting down unreasonably on any particular nutrient.

Lie #4

Losing body fat takes a long period of time. It doesn’t have to. Losing 1-2lbs per week ON AVERAGE is healthy and sustainable. So, if you lost 1-2lbs per week on average, that would be 52-104lbs per year. So, next time you freak out because you only lost 1lb that week, just remember that. There will be some weeks you lose no weight, some weeks you gain weight, and some weeks you lose 5lbs. The body is a mysterious and complex entity. Just take care of it and trust it to help ya out.

Lie #5

Diet nonstop until you reach your goal. Ugh. Seriously? This is SUCH a big no no. If you diet constantly, then you will end up like a nuclear explosion as pictured above. You shouldn’t stay in a constant deficit for more than 5-6 weeks without a break. This break is what is commonly called a “diet break”. It is good to do this because it keeps your metabolism healthier while eating in a deficit. You slowly lower cals for 5-6 weeks, return to maintenance cals for 5-10 days, then go back down to where you left off on your caloric deficit. this will help keep your metabolism healthy and you will feel better overall.

Lie #6

I must cut water when losing body fat. Again, this is SOOOOO ridiculous. Water is a key resource to our bodies and therefore is a MUST for losing body fat. Water is a hydrating, energy boosting, feel good pot of gold that should NEVER be cut back unless recommended by a doctor for a medical reason. Capice?

Lie #7

losing body fat

Progress is linear. 😂 The only linear progress you are going to make in life is your height, and if you are reading this blog that is probably a thing of the past for you. The scale is going to jump ALL OVER THE PLACE. There are going to be some weeks that one morning you wake up 6lbs heavier than you did the morning before. It’s life. It’s OK. It ISN’T fat. If you gain 6lbs of fat in a day you would need to eat 21,000 calories extra that day. Let me know how that works out for you. In all honesty your progress is actually going to look like this:

Lie #8

Progress is addicting. So, this one isn’t a total lie. Progress is addicting. However, sometimes the progress isn’t addicting enough to prevent you from eating a whole pizza, a whoopie pie, and a pint of ice cream by yourself. Relying on motivation from progress to you get you to your goal is not a good idea. Relying on the reason you started is going to get you there. Every time you have a decision to make, ask yourself which choice is going to be in line with your goals.

Lie #9

Losing body fat is easy. No, this could not be further from the truth. Losing body fat is SIMPLE, which is entirely different from easy. In order to lose body fat, you have to do three simple things:

  1. Create a caloric deficit
  2. Exercise consistently
  3. Take in enough water

That is it. However, these things are NOT easy. If you want some help staying accountable to your goals, click here to schedule your free accountability call!

There are obviously way more than 9 lies about losing body fat. However, these are the top 9 that I hear on a regular basis in Facebook groups, magazines, and the internet in general. Hope you learned something! If you did, comment below your #1 takeaway!

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