Summer Shredding 2018: Your Meal Plan for Success

Summer shredding is fast approaching now that April is upon us. Perhaps you have done a cut for the summer every year you can remember. Have they worked out for you? If not, it could be because the plan was not designed for you. Maybe it was too strict. Or perhaps it required you to add endless hours onto your already busy life. This summer shredding meal plan is going to get you ready for that bikini. Will it be hard? Yes. Will it be worth it? Definitely!

Summer Shredding Approach One

There are several ways you can go about doing a cut. IIFYM, keto, clean eating, intuitive eating, meal plans, Adkins, the list goes on and on. Here, we are going to break it down into two different approaches: IIFYM and a meal plan. 

IIFYM is a great approach for those who want more flexibility in their plan. If you don’t mind tracking everything that you eat, this is going to be the approach for you!

When you are trying to hit a specific goal in a specific time frame, like summer shredding, tracking your calories and macros is going to be the best approach because it allows you to make adjustments. These adjustments can be made easily and pretty accurately, as long as you have been accurate about tracking your intake.

How Do You Set Your Macros?


First, calculate your basal metabolic rate. This is how many calories you are burning at rest.

BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)

Then, calculate your TDEE. This is your total daily energy expenditure, which is how many calories you need to maintain. 


If you currently exercise 6+ times per week, use: BMR x 1.65 = your TDEE If you currently exercise 3-5 times per week, use: BMR x 1.5 = your TDEE If you currently exercise 1-2 times per week, use: BMR x 1.35 = your TDEE If you currently exercise 0 times per week, use: BMR x 1.2 = your TDEE

Then depending on your goal, adjust the calories as stated below.

Add muscle: add at least 500 calories, depending on activity level. If you are an extremely active person (burning 500+ calories per day due to exercise), add 750 calories.

Maintenance: use your TDEE.

Weight Loss: subtract 200-500 calories. 


Set protein to 1-1.5g per pound of bodyweight. Then, use .35-.45g fat per pound of bodyweight. Use the rest of your calories for carbs!

Let’s do an example. Say you are 150lbs, 30 years, old, and 64 inches tall.

Your BMR would be 655+(4.35 x 150)+(4.7 x 64)-(4.7 x 30)= 1467.30.

Now, say you exercise 3-5x per week. Take 1467.30 x 1.5= 2200. This is your maintenance.

To add muscle, start at around 2400 and add 50 calories each week to your daily goal.

To lose weight, start at around 2000 and decrease calories by 50 each week from your daily goal.

Example 12 Week Breakdown

Week 1: 2000 cals

Week 2: 1950 cals

Week 3: 1900 cals

Week 4: 1850 cals

Week 5: Diet Break, go back to maintenance calories.

Week 6: 1850 cals

Week 7: 1800 cals

Week 8: 1750 cals

Week 9: 1700 cals

Week 10: Diet Break, go back to maintenance calories

Week 11: 1700 cals

Week 12: 1650 cals

This was using the example person above. Adjust for your own numbers!

Summer Shredding Approach 2

If you feel like you need a little more structure to your nutrition plan, then a meal plan might be the answer for you! This gives you specific guidelines to follow for each meal. The meal plan below will be basic, easy to follow, and pretty generalized. If you are looking for a more customized, in depth nutrition guide for a cut, click here!

Sample Meal Plan

Meal 1

2 eggs

2 egg whites

Handful chopped bell peppers

1/2 cup oatmeal

1/2 cup berries

Meal 2

Palm sized piece of chicken

1/2 cup wild rice

1 cup broccoli

1 tsp coconut oil


Meal 3

Turkey Muffins (click on link for recipe)


Meal 4

Slow Cooker Steak Fajitas (click on link for recipe)

1/4 avocado

1/2 cup brown rice

Meal 5

Small handful almonds

1/2 cup berries

Mix it up and make these meals your own! Below you will find a foods list. Whether you decide to do the meal plan or IIFYM, at least 80% of your foods should come from this list!

Foods List



Sweet Potatoes

Brown Rice

Wild Rice





Chicken Breast

Turkey Breast

Ground beef/chicken/turkey (93/7)

Egg Whites







Sirloin Steak

Flank Steak





Sunflower Seeds



Peanut/Almond Butter (Teddies or another kind where the ingredients are JUST peanuts or JUST almonds)

Olive Oil

Coconut Oil

Flax Seeds

Chia Seeds

Herbs and Spices

Any herbs and spices that you want, just make sure that they are salt free!!

Fruits and Veggies




Bell Pepper






Brussel Sprouts





Wrapping Up Summer Shredding

If you are going to shred for the summer, nutrition plans like these are key. They are not drastic, which means that they are sustainable, easy to follow, and you won’t gain all the weight back once the shred is over. I wouldn’t recommend shredding for more than 12 weeks. Your body doesn’t like to be a deficit for too long. Stay consistent, and you will see results! Comment below your goal, the plan you are following, and your timeline so I can check in with you!

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