How to Boost Metabolism: 5 Steps to Take Today

Have you literally tried everything to figure out how to boost metabolism? You have tried all the diets, all the pills, all the “fat-burning” foods to no avail. You feel like you literally need to eat 800 calories per day to lose weight. Those last 15lbs are killing you. I feel you girl. I used to try to choke down salmon too in hopes of boosting my metabolism and burning fat. But guess what? The five steps listed in this post will get you there. It will be a slower process, but it will be a truer one. No more redo’s, no more falling off the wagon.

The Past

I used to spend hours on Pinterest looking for those fat-burning, metabolism boosting food infographics that I thought were the key. I would literally restrict my diet to salmon, coffee, green tea, oatmeal, egg whites, hot peppers, broccoli, and spinach. Ugh, I don’t even like salmon or spinach. Choke. This would last about 2-3 days. Until I just gave up and ate whatever I wanted. I would feel guilty, start again, and the cycle would continue.

I was frustrated because I felt like a failure. It felt like it was my fault that these metabolism boosting diets were not working. I thought I was weak because I could only stick to them for a couple of days.

The Present

You probably feel like I did. Frustrated, fat, overwhelmed, pissed off, and depressed. Will anything ever work? Why can’t I just stick to it? What is WRONG with me?

Let’s take these questions one at a time.

First, when you find something that fits your life it will work. Your life should never have to fit around your diet. Your diet should fit in with your life.

Second, you can’t stick to it because NO ONE can reasonably stick to eating the same things over and over, especially when you may not enjoy the food to begin with.

Third, there isn’t a thing wrong with you. Instead of asking yourself what is wrong with you, try asking what is wrong with what you are doing. I guarantee that you will find the answer there.

Now you are just about ready to give up. Maybe you are destined to feel unsatisfied with yourself for life. Uh uh. It’s time to learn the real deal way to boost your metabolism.

The Future (How to Boost Metabolism-For Good)

Step 1: Mix Up Your Exercise

Are you only doing cardio? If so, that isn’t helping your cause any. Try to get 2-4 weight/bodyweight sessions in per week. These can be as long as you want. 25-45 minutes is a good range. Try to get in 1-2 HIIT sessions per week, no more than 15 minutes each. Then mix in 2-3 steady state cardio sessions per week lasting 20-30 minutes.

Step 2: Mix Up Your Food

If you are eating the same things over and over again, your body gets used to them! It is totally fine to have your base be the same, but try to mix in 1 new food per week. You never know, you might find something delicious.

Step 3: Drink More H2O

Drinking water helps to keep every system in your body running. The more it runs, the higher your metabolism.

Step 4: Increase Your Food Intake

If you are eating lower calories and not seeing the results you want, it may be time to up your calories. The more food that goes through your system, the more your body has to work to process it, the greater your metabolism. Slowly increasing your calories is key!

Step 5: Move More OFTEN

If you work a desk job, or a just sedentary throughout the day, try moving more often. Get up and get more water. Go to the bathroom. Try taking a walk at lunch. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Just move more often!

Wrapping it Up

Boosting your metabolism will not be an overnight endeavor. Next time you google how to boost metabolism, remember that certain foods are not the answer. If you take the 5 steps listed above, you WILL increase your metabolism. It might be scary. But it will be worth it.

If you want more help with topics such as how to boost metabolism, click here to join my free Facebook group! 

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