Giving 100%… What That Really Means

What does giving 100% really mean? Does it mean killing yourself for every workout? Does it mean being perfect with your diet? This post shares my story with giving 100%, and how learning what giving 100% really means FINALLY allowed me to reach my goals!


I mean there was no slow, no moderate. Only full speed ahead 110%. What I didn’t understand is that there are ways of giving 100% without feeling like a truck ran over you every time you walk out of the gym.
Don’t get me wrong, those insane workouts are incredible and I still do them from time to time.
However, I have found a BALANCE.
When I was going full out all the time, I was seeing some results. I was hurting all the time wondering why I wasn’t hitting my goals.

Then I figured out what works for my body and for me.

I figured out that I could give 100% without hurting all the time or feeling close to dead all the time.
Giving 100% to your workout has nothing to do with duration, how heavy you are breathing, how much you sweat, or how bad you hurt.
Giving 100% to your workout is all about focus. Do you focus and make the most out of your workouts? Or are you thinking about the laundry that you haven’t done or the dinner you are going to make later?
Giving 100% is knowing when to push hard, when to back off, and when to rest. That no days off stuff is pure BS, I promise.
I didn’t realized that my body wasn’t responding because it needed me to rest and recover. I didn’t know that my body wouldn’t build muscle and let go of fat because it was being UNDERFED.
I just didn’t know.


I learned what it meant to be exhausted from a workout. I learned what it meant to make lean gains. I learned how it felt to truly find a mind muscle connection. I learned what perfect form felt like. I learned what truly fueling my body felt like.
Now my mission in life is to help as many women as I possibly can find out what truly feeling amazing feels like. Are you ready to feel amazing and learn how to work less and get better results? Click here to join my free Facebook group!
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