How to Change Your Life With One Simple Step

How to change your life. Whew, that is a pretty big topic that we are about to tackle! However, there is one simple step that you can start taking TODAY to start changing your life. No, it doesn’t cost money. No, it really doesn’t have anything to do with getting ripped abs. What this one simple step consists of, is a decision. One decision that will change your life completely. So… are you ready to get started?

How to Change Your Life

You are probably the type of person that people look at and are envious of. On the outside, you have the perfect life. You have a good job, a wonderful significant other, you are reasonably fit, and you make time for your family. However, on the inside you feel this sense of dissatisfaction. This sense is like a nagging that just won’t go away. You feel like you should be satisfied with what you have. Sometimes you are. But then that creeping sense of urgency takes you over and that dissatisfaction is like a disease.

If you are anything like me, you have read all of the self-help books, you listen to podcasts, and you try to ask yourself deep questions that will help you figure out what you want in life. None of these have helped. These haven’t helped because none of them involve taking action.

The One Thing

So Cat… you said there was only one simple step in this “how to change your life” post. Well, there is. One simple step. That one simple step that you need to truly change your life is to ask and answer one question: is this going to serve me in the way that will make me fulfilled and happy?

For example, say your company offers you a promotion that will take you in a direction that you don’t want to go. However, the increase in benefits and salary is extremely tempting. In theory, you “should” take the offer. However, before you do you have to really ask yourself if this promotion will serve you. Will it make you happy? Is this promotion going to fulfill you? Could this be a stepping stone to what you really want? What do you have to lose by refusing? Make your decision, and stick to it. If the answer is a resounding NO to the question will this serve me, then the answer is no. If the answer is yes, go for it. However, if you feel the answer is somewhere between yes and no, continue reading.

how to change your life

The Dilemma

I didn’t say that the one simple step in how to change your life was going to be easy. I said it was simple. It isn’t complicated to ask that single question, however it is difficult.

If you felt like your answer to “will this serve me and make me happy” was somewhere in between, look deeper. What is holding you back? What would push you forward? For example, if you want to change you health habits for the better and you are trying to decide how to do that, you have to decide what is going to make you happy.

If you hate spin class, you probably shouldn’t start a program where you have to go to spin class 3x per week.

Eating no carbs probably makes you feel horrible, so that wouldn’t make you happy.

Finding that money spot of what works for you TAKES TIME. However, if you keep saying yes to everything or you keep sitting on the fence without choosing a direction, you will never know what makes you happy and fulfills you.

You will never know what it feels like to crush a workout, or eat and feel incredible, or show off in your crop top.

Once you make the decision to make yourself happy and fulfilled, everything will fall into place. I promise. You just have to take that step, make that decision, and roll with it!

What Now?

Sometimes you can sit down and write out all the reasons that something will make you happy and fulfilled, or not. Sometimes you can talk it through with a friend or family member. Then again, once and a while you need an objective ear to hear it all and help you make that decision.

If you need that objective ear, please join my free Facebook community here. All the support to help you live your best life.


Catch ya next time,



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