Bikini Body: 2018 Edition 4 Week Workout Plan

So you have started paging through Oxygen, Health, and Runner’s World magazines looking for tips. You have so many cut outs of these magazine tips that you have a binder neatly organized with all of them. That you actually never look at. In fact, it sits right on your desk at home tormenting you everyday. But looking at that binder won’t give you that bikini body you crave. Instead of spending $200 per week on food that you hate but hope will help you lose 10lbs and twisting your body into ridiculous positions, lets try and simplify things. This 4 week bikini body program means you spend 30 minutes in the gym 5x per week. You get to eat whatever you want. Just remember healthier choices will make you feel better 😉 So let’s get to it, shall we?


I have gone through this process several times in past blog posts. Instead of driving you nutzo by posting again here, I’ll give you the link to a past blog post that will explain exactly how to work through your nutrition! This post lays out two simply ways to approach your nutrition so that you can finally have that bikini body! If you have any questions that this post does not answer, shoot me an email at!


Try and shoot for a gallon of water per day. This will make sure your body stays functioning optimally. Seriously, water is ridiculously important. You know how you feel when you are bloated and holding water? This means you actually need to drink MORE water. Get your gallon in girl, you will be golden!


You don’t NEED any supplements at all. But, please, to whatever you call holy, do not buy “fat burners”. Don’t waste your money. My fat burning stack consists of: whey protein, multivitamin, greens powder, fish oil, vit. D, and ZMA. That’s it. All of those are for optimal health. You can choose any, all, or none. Up to you.


Treadmill+Dumbbell Massacre

Warm up with an incline walk for 5 minutes.

1 minute per exercise.

  • Treadmill Walking Lunge (Speed 1.5 Incline 8)
  • Bicep Curls (Stand on Side Rails)
  • Side Shuffles (Right) (Speed 3 Incline 5)
  • Side Shuffles (Left) (Speed 3 Incline 5)
  • Goblet Squats (Stand on Side Rails)
  • Run (at least 4.5mph)
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press (Stand on Side Rails)
  • Incline Walk (at least 3mph and 8 incline)
  • Dumbbell Bent Over Row (Stand on Side Rails)
  • Sprint (At least 7mph)

Repeat for a total of 2x (20 minutes).

Cool down walk 5 minutes.

Pulldown Punisher

Warm up with an incline walk for 5 minutes.

All you will need is the Lat Pulldown Machine!

3 sets of 12 reps for each exercise.

  • Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
  • Close Grip Underhand Lat Pulldown
  • Single Arm Lat Pulldown (12 per side)
  • Straight Arm Pulldown
  • Standing Pulldown to Chest

Cool down with 5-10 minute stretching.

bikini body

Ab-Solutely Gorgeous

This is an indoor or outdoor, home or gym workout!

  • Run .25 miles
  • 20 cruches
  • 20 knee pull-ins
  • 30 squats
  • 10 push-ups
  • Run .25 miles
  • 20 cruches
  • 20 knee pull-ins
  • 30 squats
  • 10 push-ups
  • Run .25 miles
  • 20 cruches
  • 20 knee pull-ins
  • 30 squats
  • 10 push-ups
  • Run .25 miles
  • 20 cruches
  • 20 knee pull-ins
  • 30 squats
  • 10 push-ups
  • Run .25 miles
  • 20 cruches
  • 20 knee pull-ins
  • 30 squats
  • 10 push-ups
  • Run .25 miles
  • 20 cruches
  • 20 knee pull-ins
  • 30 squats
  • 10 push-ups

Cool down with a 5 minute walk!

Ponytail Bouncer

You will need either a plyometric box, a sturdy chair, or a 20″ stair for this one!

Warm up with a 5 min jog.

  • 20 box jumps
  • 10 depth jumps
  • 5 each leg single leg jump step ups
  • 20 incline burpees
  • 15 tuck jumps
  • 20 up and overs (10 per side)

Repeat for a total of 20 minutes! Do as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

Cool down with a 5 minute walk.

Glutey Booty

This one is for the gym! It is also tabata style, so set your timer for 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds.

Warm up with 5 minutes on the bike.

  • Box squats with barbell
  • Single leg leg press (switch each 20 seconds)
  • Adductor machine
  • Abductor machine
  • Walking lunges

Do the eight rounds of 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest per exercise. So you will do 4 minutes of box squats, rest 1 minute, then do 4 minutes of single leg leg press, rest 1 minute, and so on.

Cool down with a 5 minute walk.

The Bikini Body Calendar

Click HERE to download the printable calendar to have a plan to get that bikini body!


Drop your favorite workout from this batch in the comments below and email me your results from this 4 week program!



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