5 Mason Jar Recipes: Meal Prep Your Full Menu!

So, I am sure that you have seen the mason jar recipes before. Most of the time they are salads, and they are so cute!! Using this idea, I decided to come up with a menu for an entire day that can be meal prepped in mason jars. Mason jars are not only cute, but they are fairly inexpensive and versatile as well!

Macro Recipe Ebook

Why is Meal Prep Important?

Meal prep is really important because it prevents you from having an excuse not to have a healthy meal. If you have meals prepped and ready to go, it is a lot harder to convince yourself to eat a meal that is no so healthy. Plus, you save time!! To prep 2-3 of each meal below will take you under 90 minutes. Mason jar recipes are also great because they are easy to carry around. So, no excuses.

Why Can’t I Prep 5 Days Worth?

You definitely can! You will notice for most of the recipes below I have recommended that you only make 2-3 days worth at a time. This is because any meal prep recipes, including mason jar recipes, tend to taste a little funky after being in the fridge for a while. I personally meal prep on Sundays and Wednesdays!

The Recipes

mason jar recipes

Meal 1: Lemon Blueberry Overnight Oats


1/2 cup oats

1/2 cup almond milk

1 tbsp sugar free lemon pudding

1 scoop @optimumnutrition vanilla ice cream whey protein

1/2 cup blueberries


Place all of the ingredients except the blueberries into a mason jar. Place the lid on and shake until the ingredients are mixed. Open the jar, top the oats with the blueberries, and replace the lid. Store in the fridge for breakfast! You can make up 2-3 of these at a time!

mason jar recipes

Meal 2: Hummus and Veggies


2 tbsp hummus (I personally like the roasted red pepper hummus 🙂 )

1 handful of veggies sticks of your choice (I like celery, carrots, and sliced bell peppers personally!)


Put the hummus in the bottom of the mason jar. Stick the veggies in so they are standing upright. Place the lid on the mason jar! You can make up 2-3 of these at a time!

mason jar recipes

Meal 3: Rice, Chicken, and Broccoli


1/2 cup roasted broccoli

1/2 cup rice (I like to use jasmine brown rice!)

4 ounces of cooked chicken (To save time, you can pick up a rotisserie chicken!)


Place the rice in, then the chicken, and top with the broccoli! Place the lid on the jar and store in the fridge. You can make up 2-3 of these at a time!! If you want, add 2 tbsp of salsa, 1 tsp of Bragg liquid aminos, or 1 tbsp balsamic vinaigrette!

mason jar recipes

Meal 4: Lasagna Rigatoni

1 serving of cooked rigatoni

1 tbsp low fat ricotta

1 tbsp low fat cottage cheese

1/8 cup low fat monzarella

2 tbsp fresh Parmesan

3 ounces of turkey sausage


In a small mixing bowl, mix the pasta, ricotta, cottage cheese, Parmesan, and turkey sausage. Add the mixture to a mason jar and top with the mozzarella! Cover the jar with the lid and store in fridge. You can make up about 4 of these at a time!

mason jar recipes

Meal 5: Chocolate Coconut Yogurt


3/4 cup plain greek yogurt

1 scoop @optimumnutrition extreme milk chocolate whey protein

1 tbsp mini chocolate chips

1 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut


In the mason jar, mix the protein powder and yogurt together. Top with the chocolate chips and the shredded coconut. Place the lid on the jar and store in the fridge. You can make up 2-3 at a time!

Wrapping It Up

There you have it! Those are 5 excellent mason jar recipes to meal prep. No excuses not to get a healthy meal in. No excuses not to be prepared. These recipes are designed to make one serving, but they can easily be doubled, tripled, or more. You know your lifestyle better than anyone. Make this meal prep your own!


P.S. If you are struggling with hitting your health and fitness goals, apply here for my Fierce and Fit Formula program where I help women build their confidence and create their best body!

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