How to Stick With Your New Year Resolution

Every year you go through the same thing. You set a new year resolution and two weeks into the new year the resolution has gone out the window. You want to lose weight, cut fat, build muscle, stay more organize, or whatever else but its just so hard. There are only 24 hours in a day and you have about a million other obligations to see to. If you are determined to follow through with your resolutions this year, you have come to the right place.

Plan, Plan, Plan

Make a plan, commit to the plan, and stick to the plan. Many people struggle to stick with their new year resolution because they do not have a game plan. Having a plan of attack will allow you to go in and crush your goals. It is essential not only to make a plan, but also to commit to it because without commitment, success will never happen. Once you commit to the plan, you must stick to the plan. Plan your workout times and your meals to make sure that you stay on track. The biggest part about sticking to a plan is not convincing your body, its convincing your mind.

Toss Away the Guilt

You are the primary caregiver of not only yourself but perhaps your spouse, your kids, maybe even your parents. Guess who usually ends up at the bottom of the bucket? YOU. When you have been gone at work all day the last thing you want to do is be away from your family for another hour at the gym. However, if you don’t take care of yourself no one is going to be happy. Seriously. No one. You won’t be happy because you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. Your kids won’t be happy because you aren’t happy. In order to be the best spouse/mom/daughter/etc. you need to be the best you you can possibly be. That means taking care of yourself. Go to the gym on your lunch break or get a workout in a home. Get your family involved in your new year resolution and everyone will be happier in the long run.

Let the Haters Hate

Coming into the office with tupperware filled with healthy food, passing on the cookies in the break room, going for a walk on your break instead of catching up on Facebook. These new habits are going to cause people to say something. You are going to start being the exception rather than the rule. It will be hard. Absolutely nothing good in life comes easy. You will get picked on by your coworkers. Friends will make fun of you for passing on that second margarita. The truth is that they are just jealous. They wish they could be as strong and as brave as you are. You are changing your life for the better, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Build a Support System

Building a support system will allow you to ignore the haters and crush your goals with a vengeance. Get your family involved with your goals. Search for a Facebook group that is geared towards your goals. Social media is truly a tool that can help you succeed because it allows you to talk to people who are in the same boat! Get a coach. A coach is someone who helps keep you on track while being a more objective sounding board. You know those coaches you had in high school that could push you the hardest to get the best results? A coach can also do this to help your health and fitness goals. Check out my contact me page if this seems like the option for you!

Set Realistic Goals

Sometimes people give up on their new year resolution because they are not seeing results fast enough. Set realistic goals for yourself so that you can feel accomplished often. Set a goal for the week that helps you work toward your long term goals. For example, if your long term goal is to lose 15 lbs, say that you will workout 4 times for 30 minutes each time this week. Then set a new goal for the next week that builds on the previous week’s goal. Another way to set realistic goals is to set specific goals. Instead of saying that you want to lose weight, say that you want to lose 10 lbs by March 1st. Realistic and specific goals are the key to success!

Keep Track of Your Progress

Take progress pictures in addition to weight and body measurements. Progress pictures allow you to actually see the results of your hard work. Take stock of how your clothes feel. Do you feel like you have more energy? Even if your goal is to lose 15 lbs, the number on the scale should not be your focus during your journey. How your clothes feel, your body measurements, and your progress pics are going to be the best motivating factors you have have on your journey!

Be Honest With Yourself

Are you really sticking to your meal plan? Are you truly giving your workouts your all? You have to be honest with yourself when you are evaluating your progress towards your goals. If you are a person that typically gives up on your new year resolution because you are not seeing results, take a step back. Are you truly giving your plan your all? Have you been sneaking bites of your kids mac and cheese? Did you have a couple too many drinks last weekend? Have you actually been drinking all your water and tracking your food? If you are not seeing the results that you want, reflect on your commitment to your goal so far. Adjust where necessary, and keep going!


There you have it! If you take the advice above and download and follow the cheat sheet below, you will accomplish your new year resolution this year! Make 2017 the year that you stuck with your goals and demolished everyone’s expectations. Download the FREE cheat sheet below!

How to Stick with Your New Year Resolution

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