Functions of Proteins: The Building Block

functions of proteins

What are the functions of proteins? This is a question that gets asked constantly in the fitness world. Not only does the question of the functions of proteins come up, but also how much protein a person should eat. In this article we are going to cover what proteins are, their functions, how much you … Read more

Healthy Fats: Sustained Energy

healthy fats

Healthy fats are an extremely confusing topic. There is a lot of information out there about what is a good fat, what is a bad fat, and what fats you should eat. In this article, we are going to talk about what fats do in the body, why we need fats, and how much fat … Read more

9 Healthy Summertime Barbecue Recipes

barbecue recipes

Summertime is here and it’s time to break out the grill! Most of the barbecue recipes we use are smothered in sugary sauces. These 9 healthy barbecue recipes will help you stay on track while enjoying the weather! This post will contain barbecue recipes for breakfast, lunch/dinner, and dessert! Some Barbecuing Problems First off, being … Read more

Armed and Ready: Arm Workout for Summertime!

arm workout

Tank top season is upon us, which means those arms need to be in top shape. Build yourself a pair of arms that you can be proud of with this arm workout. The best part is, as long as you have a set or two of dumbbells this arm workout can be done right in … Read more

20 Minute Bosu Ball Workout

Have you ever wondered what to do with the Bosu ball at your gym? Here is a 20 minute Bosu ball workout that will help you get started!

You know those half ball things that you see people trying to balance on? Those are called a Bosu Ball, and they are one of the absolute best tools to improve your balance and overall fitness. The first couple times you get on one, you will probably fall off. Trust me, it only hurts for a … Read more

The Best Back Exercises to Banish Fat

best back exercises

Back fat. Every woman’s biggest pain in the butt. Bra too tight? Jeans a little snug? You notice it before anything else. Running endless miles on the treadmill and starving yourself will not get rid of the dreaded back fat. So what will? Picking up those heavy weights to pump out these back exercises and fueling … Read more