The Best Back Exercises to Banish Fat

Back fat. Every woman’s biggest pain in the butt. Bra too tight? Jeans a little snug? You notice it before anything else. Running endless miles on the treadmill and starving yourself will not get rid of the dreaded back fat. So what will? Picking up those heavy weights to pump out these back exercises and fueling your body with clean foods is your ticket to a gorgeous back. Your focus when transforming your back shouldn’t be on fat loss, but on muscle gain. Once you gain muscle, the fat will take care of itself!

The Workout

Bent-Over Barbell Row

The bent-over barbell row is on of the best back exercises for the middle back. To perform this exercise correctly, stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the barbell with and over hand grip, about shoulder width. Bend slightly at the waist, keeping you core tight and your back flat. Pull the bar up to your rib cage, squeezing your shoulder blades and grazing your elbows against your sides. Lower back down to the starting position.

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

This is one of the back exercises that is excellent for the lat muscles on the sides of your back. Easier to perform than pull-ups, the wide-grip lat pulldown allows you to really get a good contraction in the lat muscle. To perform this exercise, sit on a lat pulldown machine. Taking an over-hand grip wider than shoulder width, pull the bar down to your chest. Slowly release the bar until your arms are extended again.

Straight Arm Pulldown

A variation of the lat pull down, this exercise uses straight arms to target the lat muscles. This is one of the more unusual back exercises, so pay attention to your form! To perform, stand in front of a high cable with the straight bar attachment. Taking an over-hand grip that is slightly wider than shoulder width, start with the bar pulled down to about chest level. Pull the bar down until it is at about hip level, really contracting the lats, then raise it back up to chest level.


The face pull is an excellent back exercise for targeting the trap muscle in the upper back. To perform, stand in front of a high cable with the rope attachment. Using an overhand grip, start with your arms extended holding the rope above your forehead. Squeezing your rear delts and traps, pull the rope close to your forehead. Keep your elbows high throughout the movement. Release until your arms are extended out again.

Back Extensions

The back extension is excellent for targeting the lower back and those love handles! Using a GHD, lie face down with your feet hooked and your thighs on the pads. Lower your upper body until your form a ninety degree angle. Using your glutes and lower back, lift your upper body up until you are at least parallel with the ground. Lower back down to the ninety degree angle.


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